Where Are The Wise Men?

Mike's Ramblings

The Return of the Lost Sunglasses

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When I bought my current pair of eyeglasses two years ago, one of the features I liked about them was the magnetic sunglasses. They just popped on and off the front very easily. They came with their own little case and everything.

One of my first trips with these nifty glasses was to Dallas to see my brother and his wife, and then head to Austin to see some friends of ours. When leaving my brother's house, I couldn't find the sunglasses! I looked high and low in the room we stayed in, and in the car, but no avail. They seemed lost forever.

Now, fast-forward two years to the yesterday. I got home from work, kissed Gina goodbye while she went to work and started working on dinner. Imagine my surprised when saw the missing sunglasses on the kitchen cupboard!! Huh? How did that happen? I know they hadn't been sitting there for two years! I called Gina and left a message along the lines of "Where in the world did you find these???"

When she got home, Gina explained that was was cleaning out our bags after our latest camping trip. She held up one nylon bag that we take along on a lot of trips to hold odds and ends. She shook it while upside down and the sunglasses popped out. Apparently they got caught in a fold -- for two years! Needless to say, they were pretty bent up, but unscratched.

What's funny is that these sunglasses have been with us in most of our trips for the last two years, we just didn't know it!