Where Are The Wise Men?

Mike's Ramblings

The Manly Reading List

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This thing started the way a lot of things start in the blogosphere -- [Mr. Wallace][] has re-envisioned his blog and [made a post][] to a blog called [The Art of Manliness.][] That blog has a list of [100 Must-Read Books for every man.][] I've always been a voracious reader and I've been thinking (again) to break out of my scifi/fantasy rut I've been in for a while (some of the books I remember the best are the ones that aren't fantasy or scifi). Some of the books on the list aren't ones that I would be interested in but the ones on the list that I had read (some in high school for class assignments, some as recently as last year) were all really good. So I decided that was a good start . . .

I took some time and make a list off the Art of Manliness of the books that I have always wanted to read or books that seemed interesting (because some of the book are ones I never heard of -- and that's okay!) and put them in a list. Over the past several days I've thought of other books I would like to read that weren't on the list so I added them. As of right now, the list is at 37. There is no time limit on this but I do want to at least attempt them all. And the list is organic -- I will add to it as I see fit and mark off the books as I read them.

And, one last thing -- the list is on the remarkable webapp [RememberTheMilk (RTM)][]. [And I've make it shareable to you can see it to!][] The books are in alphabetical order, but I put the next book I will read at Priority 1 and my choices for the next books as Priority 2, and the next lot as Priority 3. Cool, huh?

If you want to join me, or have advice for books to add, or advise me on what book is next, please let me know.