Where Are The Wise Men?

Mike's Ramblings

Weave The Best FireFox Plugin You Aren't Using

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I'm not sure how I stumbled onto it -- I think I was reading something at Ars Technica and saw a link for[this article][]about [Mozilla Weave][]. I never heard of it before -- it sounded interesting. After a month of heavy use, let me just say that it's not just interesting -- it's downright, wicked cool.

Home. Many times I wish I stumble onto a site I want to read at home. Usually I just save it to [Diigo][]. But sometimes I forget. The biggest annoyance is passwords. Yes, I save a ton of website passwords in FireFox. But it stinks when I save it on the home machine but want to get into my account at work, and I can't remember what password I used there.

Weave solves all these problems. And ones that I didn't know I even had.

So now when am I work, I don't worry about saving an address to Diigo just so I can read it at home. Instead, I do nothing special. When I go home, I start FireFox, I wait about 15 seconds and I see that it starts to sync. After that, I have all my history from my last session. Yes, you read that. All my history from my work browsing session. Oh, and if I setup a web account during the day at work and save the passwords, that is synced too. Preferences? Check, but in a smart way. Like my proxy server config from the office is not moved to home. That's a good thing. Bookmarks? Check. Yes, I still use bookmarks and I probably use them more now because they are synced between my machines.

A neat feature is tabs. Yes, tabs are saved across browsing sessions on different machines. So if I want to quickly see what I was looking at last night at home, I can go to History-> Tabs from other computers while at work.

Many of you may be thinking. "How is this different than the nasty FoxyMarks/XMarks crap?" Well, not only does Mozilla not publish or track it but t[hey also encrypt all data with a passphrase of your choosing.][]So, yeah, they thought of that too. If you are truly paranoid you can [setup your own Weave server.][]

So I think it's worth a go, especially if you are still using FireFox instead of Chrome (which I still am on the fence about, but that's another discussion.)