I was shocked when I look at this blog the other week and realized that I hadn't this in over a year. It wasn't intentional -- and it wasn't because I wasn't blogging either. My technical blogging has more or less moved to my employeer's blog where, because, well, I have a deep incentive to blog they (i.e. they pay for it). I also blog a bit about boardgames on my BGG blog.
Other things I've been playing with:
- Android. Not programming but power-user stuff. I've also learned that ES File Explorer is the Android Power User's best friend.
- I put this on the OPI blog, but I've gotten used to Powershell on Windows. It's not as good as a Unix prompt but it's faster than Cygwin and having a port of gvm makes it great in the Grails/Groovy world.
- Minecraft. All of it. I need to blog more about this (and Android Power-Usage)
- I recently declared bankruptcy on my Emacs config and went with Projectile and that uses Prelude. I'm not looking back.
- I'm also back on using RememberTheMilk as my Todo list app. Their total rewrite added everything that I was missing from RTM and other apps -- and other things I didn't know I was missing. Funny how that went full-circle.