Where Are The Wise Men?

Mike's Ramblings

Category: Life

Local Deals

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I've failed to mention that my favorite blogger had a new blog about her favorite things. Yes, my lovely wife Gina has a new blog called [Omaha Deals and Steals.][] And, yes, it's about the good deals she is finding in our local stores. Even if you don't live in the Omaha area, she does find things that aren't Omaha-centric. For example, a few weeks ago s[he posted this crazy deal at Restaurants.com.][] So, no, it's not just about Omaha.

The Big Deal

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Regardless of your feelings about the presidential election, my wife made an astute observation today.

Leah is now 5, and when Barack Obama is up for re-election, she will be 9. Obama will therefore be first president she will remember. Furthermore, to Leah it won't be a big deal that we have a black man as president.

To me, that is a big deal. Maybe we have made progress in this country after all.

Fall in My Backyard

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From [Fall in the Hostetler's backyard][]

Some of you may see the picture above, and say "Oh, my, how pretty." I see it and say, "Crap, fall is here already. Will those leaves fall down already?"

All that said, it has been a beautiful fall this year. I took these this afternoon. Yes, on a 78 degree day. In November.

Location Shifting

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Our car has a radio that says AM/FM and the FM used to work, I remember it working, but suddenly, a few years ago (okay probably six years ago) the FM stopped working. Not sure why, but it's important to realize that only AM radio works in the car.

So I'm driving to my car pool location one day this week and [KFAB][]fades out. And that's odd, since you can get that station all over the state. So I scanned to my other AM station, [KGOR][]. But it stopped before getting there and I distinctly heard a traffic report, but they were talking about streets I weren't familiar with. Then I heard the station announcement that it was from San Antonio.

So I can't get a radio station in my own city, but I can get one that is 1000 miles away?

Colbert Better Be Careful

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Because my daughter wants to fill his shoes.

Halloween isle. Leah stopped to take note of the masks of present political leaders. She pointed to Obama, "There's the Daddy" and the pointed to Hilary "There's the Mommy" and then stopped at Bill Clinton's mask. Finally, she said, "There's the Grandpa."

we were listening to [Tom Becka.][] Becka was simply reporting about a certain third-party candidate coming to town. I was barely listening, but as I pulled the car up in front of the house, Leah asked, "Who's Alf Tater?" I had to think and then realized what she was talking about. "I think you mean [Ralph Nadar.][]"